How Black History Can Save Your Life by Ernest Crim III, a hate crime survivor and Anti-Racist Educator, is an essential guide for anyone seeking to combat interpersonal racism, understand the roots of discrimination, and gain actionable strategies through Black historical narratives. This black history book for adults book empowers individuals, parents, and educators with tools to challenge racism and foster equity in their communities.

Using Black history to fight racism. This book builds on Crim's personal experiences, including a viral 2016 hate crime incident that profoundly shaped his career. During a night out, Crim was targeted with racial slurs, but instead of letting it defeat him, he used the situation to highlight the pervasive nature of racism in America. He captured the moment on video, sparking a national conversation about the importance of confronting and addressing discrimination.

Reclaiming the stories of Black history. Crim delves deep into the stories of Black excellence, resistance, and perseverance. He equips families, parents, and educators with the tools they need to combat racism in everyday life and within schools. Through his lens as a parent and former teacher, Crim demonstrates how the untold stories of Black history hold the keys to understanding the roots of racism and how it can be untaught. Drawing on his two bestsellers—Black History Saved My Life and The ABCs of Affirming Black Children—Crim teaches readers how to deconstruct racist systems and foster equitable practices in their communities.


Within the pages of The ABCs of Affirming Black Children, readers will get 26 artists, activists, scientists, and speakers who dared to be great in the face of injustice and adversity to correct the image our children have of themselves. These affirmations and historical facts will build a foundation of confidence and vision that will prepare them for the greatness they are destined to achieve. The second edition includes three additional affirmations and historical figures, a glossary and space to write personalized affirmations.